Tuesday, March 18, 2014

So Wikipedia Taught Me Something New Today

Well, I was researching the human eye earlier today, since I have to do a research paper on it for Challenge A. Since I have a rather odd, but also rather enjoyable, interest in eye colors, I eventually ended up with that article open.

So I'm reading. And I'm thinking, Well, not really anything I don't know, or really have an interest in, but hey, these pictures are cool...

And then I see this.

Apparently heterochromia is an an ocular condition in which the eyes display two different iris colors. In some cases the iris will be one color, with a certain section being a different color*. Occasionally a person is born with eyes of different colors.

This is cool/important/really interesting to me personally because the novel I'm trying to write involves a species whose defining trait is eyes of two different colors, such as having one blue eye and one brown eye. When I came up with this I had no idea that such a condition actually existed, but there you go.

After all, truth is stranger than fiction.

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