Saturday, October 31, 2015

It's October 31st

Happy Halloween! Or Happy Reformation Day, if that's what you celebrate. Personally, I'm celebrating a unique holiday that's a blend between "Halloween" and "The Very Last Day Before NaNoWriMo Starts". It is a holiday dedicated to candy, plotting, and apprehensively looking forward to a 1600+ daily word count goal.

(I've done my math. If I want to write 50,000 words in thirty days, I have to write at least 1,666 words per day. I look forward to this with anticipation and dread.)

One thousand six hundred and sixty-six words is a lot--or, well, it's a lot for me--so I'm probably going to take a blogging sabbatical for the month of November. Midway through the month, say November 15th, if I'm in a good place I'll try to post an excerpt and maybe give a general update as to  the status of my novel. If I'm not in a good place, I'll struggle on with the novel and post an update in early December.

To sum up: I might get out another post during November, but don't count on anything. Additionally, if you'd like to read/critique any of my non-NaNo writing, leave your email address in the comments and I will send it to you.

AdiĆ³s, and if you're doing NaNoWriMo, good luck.
EDIT: In case anyone is interested, my NaNo account is Pint17. Feel free to add me as a writing buddy or something.


Coming Soon: I review the Back to the Future trilogy, and also possibly talk about Life of Pi.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to comment on your last few posts in a row, hope that isn't annoying.

    But, if you are looking for someone to read/critique your NaNo-writing, I'm always up for that:)
