Monday, February 11, 2013

The Continuing Story of the Life of Anakin Skywalker (Season II, Part I)

You've got the right to remain right here with me,
I'm on your tail in a hot pursuit,
Love is a high speed chase racin' down the street,
Woo woo woo,
I'm comin' after you.
And that up there is the song I cannot get out of my head! Thanks a lot Owl City!
Okay, we all know I didn't really mean that. But as you may or may not have gathered, I have finally listened to Owl City's new album. And it wasn't all that bad, despite my expectations. My favorite song is I'm Coming After You, which I just typed the chorus to. It's great... I highly recommend it. (That link will take you to a lyrics video on YouTube).
But anyway, today I intend to write a synopsis to Season II of the Continuing Story. Now, keep in mind that I remember the least about this season. Season I episodes were recorded in one of my notebooks because we had, and still have, hopes of filming them. Season III happened far more recently, so I can remember most of those episodes. Season II, however, is the least well known, so there may be later updates to this post. But I'll do my best to remember most of it now.
BTW, here's a link to the first season synopsis in case you haven't seen it yet.

So, episode eleven... well, I'll just start with the first 'Season II' episode, or rather, group of episodes, that I can remember.

Episodes eleven through thirteen were a three-part story entitled 'Anakin Meets Anakin'. Apparently, Anakin from The Phantom Menace had time-travelled into the Clone Wars. The results were... well, interesting.

I honestly can't remember much about this series, but one bit I can remember was a scene where young Anakin decides to take a joyride in one of the starships. Several high-speed antics ensue, and Anakin barely makes it back to the station in one piece. At this point, Clone Wars Anakin discovers what the young version of himself has done and gives, well, himself a thorough chewing out.
This is one of the most well-remembered lines in the entire three seasons of the Continuing Story:


Younger Anakin apologizes and promptly vomits. You see, in the Continuing Story, young Anakin gets motion sickness. Or at least, he used to. I'm not sure if he still gets it.

Anyway, we sort of copied Back to the Future, despite never having seen it, by having the Anakins narrowly avoid changing the Clone Wars forever. But eventually everything got straightened out, and Young Anakin went back to his own time period.

A Note: At this point, our naïveté had somewhat gone down, because I had attempted to write a Star Wars novel and thus learned a lot about the faraway galaxy.

Though honestly that novel was nearly as bad as Season I in terms of naïveté.

Well, anyway, episodes fourteen through sixteen were, guess what, another series. Are you seeing a pattern here?
The premise was that one day in the Jedi Temple, Anakin is tinkering around with the security system. Perfectly safe, right? But then the alarm goes off, and guess who everyone blames? Anakin. Anakin then tries to convince them of his innocence by igniting his blue lightsaber (because everyone uses your lightsaber color to determine which side you're on), but then--GASP! His lightsaber is red of all colors!
Anakin is thrown in jail to await his trial before the Council.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. Now the Council gives trials? When did this happen? And why? Did the Jedi decide that the Republic wasn't good enough? Or are Mace Windu and Yoda just being control freaks like usual?

Resent that, I do.
Be quiet, Yoda. Or is that Midnight? I really can't tell...

Well, anyway, apparently the Council does give trials, because Ahsoka is chosen to be Anakin's lawyer. Why the Council let an eleven-year-old Padawan do it, I have no idea, but Ahsoka loyally does her best to defend her Master, but the entire Council seems to be against Anakin--even, I might add, Obi-Wan.

Ha! I knew it! It just proves the theory that Obi-Wan never liked Anakin! It was a conspiracy the whole time!

Ahem... so the Council decides that Anakin really is a Sith and decide to... throw him in the lava pit.

Whoa whoa whoa, wait just a parsec. First of all, doesn't this go against the Jedi rule of don't kill unless you absolutely have to? Secondly, where the sprink did the Jedi get a lava pit? Thirdly, why isn't Emperor Chancellor Palpatine sticking up for his potential next apprentice? Fourth, why isn't someone else protesting, like Padme? I know Anakin is an introvert, but doesn't he have any friends at all?

Apparently he does have one friend left, because Ahsoka decides to attempt to save her Master. She steals borrows rents a speeder and, right as Anakin is about to fall into the lava, heroically rescues him. They escape to a faraway planet, planning to lie low until things quiet down again.
And scene.

Next I'll introduce the Continuing Story Prequel, which was set in the time period just before the Phantom Menace. It chronicled the adventures of young Anakin Skywalker, and was just as ridiculous as the original.
S1: E1 starts with an idyllic day on Tattooine. Young Anakin is sitting at his lemonade stand, watching the sand erode.

I'm not even going to point out how implausible Anakin's having a lemonade stand is.

And then VRRRM! A podracer flies by. As we find out shortly, three kids are practicing for a larger podrace: Random Kid #1, Random Kid #2, and The Genius Kid Who Always Wins (often simply shortened to The Genius Kid). We never find out the kids' actual names. Also, I should note here that it has been suggested that Random Kids #1 & 2 grow up to be the guys who try (and succeed) to kidnap Anakin in Season I.

So, the Random Kids have two junky, thrown-together podracers, and The Genius Kid has a motorcycle. Every time we got a better Lego set, The Genius Kid got an update in technology. He currently has a cross between at ATV and monster truck. It has an inbuilt Wii, Xbox-360, Playstation 3, limitless game options, iPod Touch function, high-def speakers, limitless music options, Blu-ray player, limitless movie options, inbuilt Kindle with read-aloud function, limitless book options, Angry Birds Live function, auto-pilot, and a voice-activated computer. That voice-activated computer actually caused a lot of trouble in the most recent episode of Season III... but that's a different story.

So anyway, as one of the Random Kids passes Anakin's lemonade stand, he makes a, er, rude noise (henceforth referred to as a 'raspberry'). This distracts him, and he crashes into a rock that looks a whole awful lot like a plastic container.

Crashing through the snow! On a pair of broken skis! O'er the hills we go! Crashing into trees! Ow ow ow--
Shut up, me. It's not even Christmas.

So the kid bangs on the side of the apparently hollow rock, knocking it over. The next Random Kid drives straight into the container-like rock. Then the 'lid' slides shut and voila--two kids in a jar. Anakin (henceforth referred to as Ani) has the nerve to laugh, but the kids yell at him and he upshuts.

In the newer extended edition of this episode, Ani goes to fetch Watto and his mother to get the kids out of the jar, but it should be noted that this scene was not originally included in the episode.

Next, the kids all line up to buy lemonade from the stand. Apparently there's a rule of 'losers buy for the winner', and therefore the Random Kids are very grumpy. While fetching the lemonade, Ani accidentally steps on a lemonade squirt gun he's been tinkering with and squirts lemonade all over the Random Kids. They promptly beat him up, and then run to tell Watto.
And scene.

The next episode I can remember is Christmas Special I, so we'll go with that. It wasn't actually Christmas when we did the special--it was the middle of the year, but we didn't care. I refer to it as Christmas Special I because we recently did another Christmas Special, sometime around the Christmas of 2012. But enough going on.

It starts on Tattooine, in the Continuing Story Prequel era. Somehow, battle droids get transferred onto the planet and a republic army shows up. A huge battle ensues, and somehow Ani, the Random Kids, and The Genius Kid are involved.

We have the perfect song picked out for this scene: Christmas Sarajevo 12/24. It's basically a mixture of Carol of the Bells and God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen--played on electric guitar. Oh yes. (The link will take you to a video of the song on YouTube.)

But then, just as the battle reaches its climax, guess who shows up?

Santa Claus.

His sled lands and he dismounts.
Santa: Where's the snow?
And scene.

Christmas Special I, Part II opens right where Part I left off. Santa has landed on Tattooine, in the middle of a big Republic vs. Separatist battle.

Ani and the Random Kids run up to Santa, asking him to give them presents. And thus begins a story-hopping adventure as Santa tries to fulfill the wishes of three kids. All I can remember was that the story hopping involved the Wingfeather Saga, and that it all descended into chaos after a while. But eventually, our heroes made it away unscathed.
And scene.

Next up, episodes 20-22 were yet another series. In this one, Ani had to make some sort of delivery to Mos Espa. And for whatever reason, he wasn't living in Mos Espa at the time.
So he loads up with lemonade and wiia (a type of bread we made up) and heads off for Mos Espa. When he finally reaches the town it's dark. Unable to find the house he's delivering to, (A house? Come on! This is Star Wars!) young Anakin slumps against a house and falls asleep.
And scene.

When Ani wakes up in Ep. 21, two guys are apparently robbing him of his lemonade and wiia. Terrified, Anakin complies with the guys' demands--until the strangest thing happens. Out of nowhere, a random girl flies down, windmill-kicks the guys in the face, grabs Ani, and swings back up onto a rooftop.
Mysterious Girl: Come on, Luke!

So then... wait wait wait, hold on a minute. Did she just call him Luke? FORESHADOWING! Hey, cool. It strikethroughes it whenever I type foreshadowing. Hey, did it again. Foreshadowing. Okay, I'll stop.

Mystery Girl brings Ani up to a house built on the rooftops. She promptly finds out that he isn't Luke, and then introduces herself as Fern. She then introduces her five siblings: Maraly (Wingfeather Saga reference!), Ben, Luke, Han, and Leia.

Fern invites Ani to stay with her family. Ani excepts.
Thus begins a new, more pleasant adventure for Ani. Maraly is an excellent cook, and she teaches Ani her secret wiia recipe. Luke, who Fern originally mistook Anakin for, frequently wanders around Mos Espa, and he shows Ani around. Han and Leia... well, they're the five-year-old twins. Who always fight.

And Ben is the kid who always gets stuck baby-sitting his younger siblings.

Now, here I'd like to point out an interesting fact. In the most recent episode of Season III, young Anakin got trapped on The Genius Kid's podracer with the voice-activated computer. Several characters from Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit kept magically appearing in the podracer. Every time this happened, Ani would yell 'Stranger danger!' and the computer would do something weird (like banging the new arrivals with a frying pan).

Now where, I ask you, was Ani's obsessive sense of stranger danger when he met Fern? Why was he perfectly okay with strangers when Fern invited him over, but was freaking out later on the series... FOR NO PARTICULAR REASON?!?!?!?!

Please forgive my Caps Lock rage. It's just that stuff like this really bothers me.

Anyway, eventually Ani left Fern's house, got in some minor trouble in Mos Espa, and then stowed away on some spice smugglers' ship for a reason I can't remember.

In the newer extended edition of this episode, the smugglers are chased by Republic troopers (not to be confused with clone troopers). Anakin gets motion sickness and starts... well, vomiting. The... well, vomit flies back and hits the troopers' windshield, effectively keeping them from following the smugglers.

Random Smuggler #1: Somehow, I have the strange feeling that someone in our hold is vomiting right now.
Random Smuggler #2: You really are going crazy!

Well, the smugglers finally land, and for whatever reason, they've landed on Hoth. *Facepalm* Why Hoth? Why not some other planet? I mean, of all the places, they pick a deserted planet that's stuck in endless winter? Just what is wrong with these guys?

Well, anyway, they overhaul the ship to get their secret load of spice out. Why did they have to do this, you ask? Well, really it was only because we only had one ship at the time: a boxy-looking freighter that I built from scratch while writing my Star Wars novel. It did have a smuggling compartment on the bottom, but the only way to get anything in or out of that compartment was by overhauling the ship and pulling the bottom off.

So the smugglers flip the ship over... somehow... and then start arguing for some arbitrary reason (Is anybody else thinking story convenience?), giving Ani a chance to escape.

But keep in mind that this is a kid from Tattooine, a desert planet, going to Hoth, an ice planet. HUGE climate shock. So Ani stumbles around, feeling cold, until he stumbles into a door. He opens it and stumbles into a small shelter.
I just used 'stumbled' three times in two sentences. Lady Redundant Woman strikes again! (Word Girl reference!)

So Ani sits down on some random chair. But now come some continuity problems. You see, presumably the lights are out, because Ani doesn't see two Jedi sneaking up on him. How a Force-sensitive kid doesn't notice two guys sneaking up on him is totally out there--unless the lights are out, in which case it's perfectly logical because he wasn't expecting them in the least. But then--

Qui-Gon Jinn: I don't think you're supposed to be here.
Anakin: {Gasps}
Qui-Gon: Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. What's your name?
Anakin: A-Ani.

Now, the only record we have of someone turning on the lights is Obi-Wan Forcing a lamp on. So how, I ask you, did two Jedi manage to surprise Ani with the lights on? And if the lights were actually off, why on Earth Hoth didn't they turn them on afterwards? Argh!

Well, whatever the case, Ani and Qui-Gon have a short conversation. Ani mentions that he got there by stowing away on a smuggling ship. At this, Qui-Gon tells Anakin to stay there, and then leaves with Obi-Wan to investigate. Of course, Ani just can't leave well enough alone and secretly follows them.

So the two smugglers are still arguing near their still-overturned ship (STORY CONVENIENCE!). Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan sneak up on the smugglers, then confront them about the smuggling. The smugglers deny everything, and since they haven't yet unloaded anything from their ship, the Jedi can't prove anything.

But during this argument, Ani crawls under the wing of the ship. Now, there's a gun mounted on the wing. When Ani crawls under the wing, the gun locates him and tries to shoot him. Ani escapes just in time, and the ship blows itself up.
Smuggler #1: I have no idea what you're talking about--
Ship: {Explodes}
Spice: {Rains down through the air}
Qui-Gon: Then what do you call this? {Catches spice}
And scene... I think. In fact, I'm pretty sure there was more, but I have no idea what actually happened, so I'll just cut it off here.
At this point, I'd like to point out something in the title. That's right, the title of this blog. Look at it. It says, (Season II, Part I), doesn't it? Well, you know what that means. It means I'll have to continue this later, because Season II was way longer than I thought it would be, and I'll have to continue it later. So, hasta la vista!
To Be Continued...

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