Roseate Spoonbill |
#1: An opossum named Penny. Penny was hit by a car, and although she survived, she was permanently blinded. The keeper told us that she is the best-looking opossum we'll ever see; opossums in the wild want to look as dirty, disgusting, and inedible as possible, as they have very few ways of escaping predators.
Penny the Virginian Opossum |
#3: A box turtle named Shelly. Shelly was a pet that was given to Flamingo Gardens. As Shelly had been around humans and fed by them her whole life, she couldn't be released into the wild, as all her instincts were gone. Shelly is only nine years old. She is not yet fully grown.
#4: A baby alligator. The alligator was one of the offspring of the two alligators at the Gardens: Elvis and Priscilla. Like Shelly, the alligator had come to associate humans with food, and therefore could never be released into the wild. Alligators that associated humans with food will come closer to developed areas where humans live. Alligators that do that are killed, because they are deemed too dangerous to live. The alligator's skin is sold as high-quality leather, their meat is used in soups, and their head and jaw becomes a souvenir in a shop. This is why there is a law against feeding alligators.
I came away from Flamingo Gardens with a sense of thankfulness that I had gone, as my time in Florida is growing short and I know that it is unlikely I will ever be able to observe animals in their natural habitat again.